

Five Weird Museums of Europe

We thought ou may want to hearing about some of the weird museums of Europe, so we compiled a list for you:

    1. Gletschergarten Luzern – A truly bizarre museum located in Switzerland, the main feature of the museum is a glacial pothole and the fossils extracted from it.  Discovered in 1872, Joseph Wilhelm Amrein-Troller stumbled upon it when he was installing a wine cellar in the garden.  Inspired, he started up a museum to share his discovery and it still stands today.  So, you can view the pothole and also tour his Swiss mansion.  Another strange feature of the museum is the mirror maze added in 1899!
    2. Musee des Egouts de Paris – Ever thought you’d visit a Paris sewer museum?  Well you can!  This museum is actually located in unused parts of Paris’ sewage system.  Be prepared for a strong odor and enjoy maps, photographs and you can even walk a few meters above waste being flushed away!  Yuck!
    3. Deutches Tapeten Museum – This museum, located in Kassel, Germany actually celebrates wallpaper!  If you have an interest in wallpaper, then this is the place for you.  With over 18,000 pieces of wallpaper, you can discover every type of wallpaper imaginable along with display on the first machines used for printing wallpaper.
    4. South Tirol Museum of Archaeology – If you are in northern Italy be sure to get a close up at a 5,000-year-old iceman at this museum in the town of Bolzano.  Unbelievably, this museum houses the iceman found frozen with his gear in a glacier.  It actually is a very informative museum where you can learn about ancient life and of course, you get to witness the iceman inside the specially built freezer.
    5. The Bunker Furigen Museum of War History – The neutral nation has over 20,000 shelters dug into the sides of the Alps.  If you want to learn more about the history of this country, visit this museum, the only shelter open to the public.  You’ll have an opportunity to tour the dorms, hospital, kitchen and machine gun nests.