

Planning a European Vacation

There are many things to take into account when you plan a European Vacation. Making your vacation in Europe successful will require some thinking ahead and some attention to detail. It’s not difficult to plan a good vacation trip but you should read the articles on this site and spend a bit of time doing your research.

Here are the main things to consider when planning your European vacation trip:

  • Do you want to visit one European country or several?
    Visiting several countries will need more planning ahead – and more attention to detail. You might encounter some language problems – although English is widely spoken or understood. Most European countries now share the Euro as their currency but not all do.
  • How will you travel between countries in Europe?
    You have several choices. By car? By boat? By air or by rail? All of these are viable options and your choice will depend on your preference and on how much time you have available.
  • Will you stay in the capital cities or do you want to tour around?
    Touring around options will vary from country to country. In Scotland or Ireland you may wish to hire a car. In France taking the train is probably the best option. In Italy you might prefer to travel by bus or coach.
  • Are you going to be planning your own European Vacation or will you follow an organised program?
    There’s no right or wrong answer to this question. If you are pushed for time or if you want to pack a lot into a brief trip then a planned European package vacation might be right for your needs. An organised vacation package trip will certainly leave you less stressed about language issues or about timetables – but it might also limit your choice of what you see and where you go.

Planning a European vacation on your own is more fun – but can also be more stressful.